Protesters allegedly encrypted Belarusian Railway servers

Protesters allegedly encrypted Belarusian Railway servers 

Short News:-

Belarusian Cyber-Partisans claim they breached and encrypted servers belonging to the Belarusian Railway. Hacktivists ask for the release of 50 political prisoners in need of medical assistance and want Russian troops out of Belarus. Belarusian Railways issues an 'Attention Passengers!' alert on its website.

Protesters allegedly encrypted Belarusian Railway servers

Detailed News:-

Belarusian Cyber-Partisans claim to have breached and encrypted servers belonging to Belarusian Railway, the country's national state-owned railway company.

They claim that Russia used Belarusian Railway's rail transport network to move military units and equipment into the country, prompting their attack.

"Belarusian Railway, under the command of terrorist Lukashenka, allows occupying troops to enter our land," the group said today on Twitter.

While Belarusian Railway has not issued an official statement, it has published an 'Attention passengers!' alert on its website today warning of ongoing issues with issuing electronic travel documents.

"The Belarusian Railways' reference web-resources and services for issuing electronic travel documents are temporarily unavailable due to technical issues. Please contact the ticket office to arrange travel and return electronic travel documents "According to the company.

"Work is currently being done to restore the systems' performance. Belarusian Railways regrets any inconvenience this has caused."

The hackers claim that today's attack is part of a larger campaign dubbed "Inferno," which they describe as "the largest sabotage cyberattacks in Belarus' history."

Today's attack comes on the heels of another incident in November, in which they allegedly compromised and encrypted the entire network "of the Academy of Management under the President."

"To disrupt BR's operations, we encrypted some of its servers, databases, and workstations. To avoid emergency situations, automation and security systems were not affected."

Belarusian Cyber-Partisans hacktivists claim to have access to the encryption keys for the compromised Belarusian Railway servers. They also stated that they are prepared to return the systems to normal operation under certain conditions.

They demand the release of 50 political prisoners in need of medical attention, as well as the withdrawal of Russian troops from Belarus.

The group also shared screenshots from systems compromised in the incident, demonstrating that they had access to internal Belarusian Railway systems, Veeam backup servers, the Windows domain controller, and the backup server, which allegedly contains tens of terabytes awaiting destruction.

One of the screenshots also shows the Belarusian Railway's online ticket service failing when a SQL query is run.

Belarusian Railway backup server

While Belarusian Railway has not issued an official statement, it has published an 'Attention passengers!' alert on its website today warning of ongoing issues with issuing electronic travel documents.

"The Belarusian Railways' reference web-resources and services for issuing electronic travel documents are temporarily unavailable due to technical issues. Please contact the ticket office to arrange travel and return electronic travel documents "According to the company.

"Work is currently being done to restore the systems' performance. Belarusian Railways regrets any inconvenience this has caused."

The hackers claim that today's attack is part of a larger campaign dubbed "Inferno," which they describe as "the largest sabotage cyberattacks in Belarus' history."

Today's attack comes on the heels of another incident in November, in which they allegedly compromised and encrypted the entire network "of the Academy of Management under the President."


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